Saturday 6th July 2024

At the Bowls Club, Tanners Lane, Burford, OX18 4NA

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Class 1Rose Hybrid TeaThree individual blooms of one or more variety of large flowered Rose
Class 2Rose ClusterThree stems of one or more variety of small cluster flowering Rose
Class 3Other RosesThree stems of one or more variety of Rose excluding Classes 1 and 2
Class 4Best Specimen RoseOne bloom
Class 5Vase of Mixed Flowersfrom your garden
Class 6DelphiniumOne stem of any colour
Class 7Sweet PeaFive stems of any colour
Class 8PenstemonThree stems of any colour
Class 9HerbaceousOne stem each of five different varieties of garden flowers
Class 10LilyOne stem of any kind
Class 11ShrubOne stem of any flowering shrub in bloom
Class 12PelargoniumIn a pot not larger than 12″ in diameter (note: this class includes pot plants commonly known as geranium, but excludes herbaceous geraniums)
Class 13Any other flowering plantin a pot not larger than 12″ diameter
Class 14Any foliage plantin a pot not larger than 12″ diameter
Class 15An outdoor planted containerof any shape or size which can be carried by the exhibitor or a helper
Class 16Collection of 4 different vegetables(maximum of 12 items) from your garden in a seed tray
Class 17A collection of different fruitsfrom your garden
Class 18Childrens’ ClassMiniature garden in a seed tray
Class 19Flower ArrangingA table arrangement of home grown flowers not exceeding 12″high and 18″ spread, no oasis, 2024 theme – The Olympics
Class 20Flower ArrangingThree blooms plus foliage, no oasis
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The Quilters Cupawarded to the winner of Class 4
Dr. Cheatle Cupawarded to the winner of Class 5
Richard Cumming Cupawarded to the winner of Class 6
Joy White Cupawarded to the winner of Class 9
Silvertop Cupawarded to the member with the most points overall in Classes 1 to 17
Children’s Cupawarded to the winner of Class 18

Non members are welcome to exhibit

Exhibits are received from 9.30 am to 10.45 am

Entries 20p each

Judging 11.00 a.m. to 12.45 p.m.

Open to the public 1.15 p.m to 2.00 p.m.

Close of show and removal of exhibits 2.00 p.m.

Public Admission ; Adults £1 – Children free

Rules:- All exhibits are to have been grown, or brought on for at least three months by the exhibitor. Entries to Class 15 must have been planted up by the exhibitor and may incude hardy plants or tender plants intended to last thoughout the summer.

Multiple entries to a Class are allowed, and encouraged, but no exhibitor may take more than one prize in any class.

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Notes for Exhibitors:-

Please enter as many Classes as you can. If you have never exhibited before, bring a selection of your flowers and a member of the committee will help you set them up and put them in the right Class. Try to use a container which will hold the blooms reasonably upright, using moss or other material to pack the stems if needed. The points awarded to the prize winners of each class are in accordance with the rules laid down by the Royal Horticultural Society.

The Swynnerton Prize:-

A cash prize of £25 will be awarded at the AGM in February to the member who accumulates the highest number of points gained overall in both the Spring and Summer Shows