Held the first Saturday in April each year at The Bowls Club, Tanners Lane, Burford, OX18 4NA

Class 1 Single Trumpet Narcissus Three stems of one or more variety of single trumpet Narcissus, trumpet as long as or longer than the petals
Class 2 Large Cupped Narcissus Three stems of one or more variety of single large cupped Narcissus, trumpet more than one third, but less than length of the petals
Class 3 Small Cupped Narcissus Three stems of one or more variety of single small cupped Narcissus
Class 4 Double Flower Narcissus Three stems of one or more variety of single headed Narcissus, double flower
Class 5 Multi-headed Narcissus Three stems of one or more variety of multi-headed Narcissus
Class 6 Miniature Narcissus Five stems of one or more variety
Class 7 Split Corona Narcissus Three stems of one or more variety
Class 8 Mixed Narcissus A vase of mixed Narcissus – 7 stems
Class 9 Large flowered Tulip Three stems of one or more variety of self-coloured (i.e. a single colour) large flowered Tulip
Class 10 Other Tulips Three stems of any other Tulip
Class 11 Bulb, corm or Rhizome Flowers One stem each of three different varieties of bulb, corm or rhizome flowers (including lillies/flitillaries), which may include the above classes
Class 12 Garden Flowers One stem each of five different garden flowers, excluding Classes 1 – 10 above
Class 13 Helleborus Three heads (any variety) floating in water
Class 14 Pot Plant Any overwintered flowering plant in a pot
Class 15 Flowering Shrub One stem each of three different varieties of flowering shrub in bloom
Class 16 Best Flower Single stem of the best flower from your garden
Class 17 Bulbs A container of growing bulbs
Class 18 Home Grown Flowers A collection in a vase not exceeding 18″ overall
Class 19 Flower Arrangement of home grown flowers and foliage, no oasis, theme – In a Basket – not exceeding 15″ overall

Non Members are welcome to exhibit – Exhibits received from 9.30 a.m. to 10.45 a.m. – Entries 20p each

Judging 11.00 a.m. to 12.45 p.m.

Open to the public 1.15 p.m. to 2.00 p.m.

Awards presentation 1.45 p.m.

Close of show and removal of exhibits 2.00 p.m.

Public Admission – Adults £1.00, Children – free


Class Prizes will be certificates from Perennial, the Gardeners’ Royal Benevolent Society

The Harry Wyatt Memorial Bowl Awarded to the member with highest number of points in Classes 1 to 17
The Jeremy Swynnerton Cup Awarded to the best exhibit from Class 18
The Sir Jim Holland Cup Awarded to the best exhibit from Class 19

Notes for exhibitors:-

Please enter as many Classes as you can. If you have never exhibited before, bring a selection of your flowers and a member of the committee will help you to set them up and put them in the right Class. Try to use a container which will hold the blooms reasonably upright, using moss or other material to pack the stems if needed. The point awarded to the prize winners of each Class are in accordance with the rules laid down by the Royal Horticultural Society.


All exhibits are to have been grown, or brought on for at least three months by the exhibitor.

Multiple entries to a Class are allowed, and encouraged, but no exhibitor may take more than one prize in any Class.